Endeavor bachelor but add eat pleasure doubtful sociable. Age forming covered you entered the examine. Blessing scarcely confined her contempt wondered shy. Dashwoods contented sportsmen…
NDIS online claiming
SIL clients - budgeting tools
/ rostering / invoicing and notes
Client Information's and Compliance
Staff Availiability / Scheduling / Roster Management
Document Management
Invoicing and Financing reports
Payroll integration (MYOB)
DVA / VHC portal bulk claiming 2023
Client Information's and Compliance
Staff Visit Schedule / Roster Management
Document Management
Payroll integration (MYOB)
Reports and Notes
Government-Approved DVA Module
Online claiming
Client Information's and Compliance
Staff Visit Schedule / Roster Management
Document Management
Payroll integration (MYOB)
NDIS online claiming
SIL clients - budgeting tools
/ rostering / invoicing and notes
Client Information's and Compliance
Staff Availiability / Scheduling / Roster Management
Document Management
Invoicing and Financing reports
Payroll integration (MYOB)
DVA / VHC portal bulk claiming 2023
Client Information's and Compliance
Staff Visit Schedule / Roster Management
Document Management
Payroll integration (MYOB)
Reports and Notes
Online claiming
Client Information's and Compliance
Staff Visit Schedule / Roster Management
Document Management
Payroll integration (MYOB)
Debtor Management (Invoices / payments / Statements)
Client Information's
Staff Management - Visit Schedule / Roster Management
Payroll integration (MYOB)
Individual User Security Profiles to control their data access
Suitable for any small and large organisations
Capability to Customise you specific requirements into the system
Debtor Management (Invoices / payments / Statements)
Client Information
Staff Management - Visit Schedule / Roster Management
Payroll integration (MYOB)
Individual User Security Profiles to control their data access
Suitable for any small and large organisations
Capability to Customise your specific requirements into the system
Online claiming
Client Information and Compliance
Staff Visit Schedule / Roster Management
Document Management
Payroll integration (MYOB)
Secure Staff Login
Available shifts with basic client details, location
Display staff Roster (upcoming visit details)
View and update Client notes
Record visit details and visit notes
Client sign-on and sign off
Time sheet
Data Synchronisation to CCS
Online claiming
Client Information's and Compliance
Staff Visit Schedule / Roster Management
Document Management
Payroll integration (MYOB)
Secure Staff Login
Available shifts with basic client details, location
Display staff Roster (upcoming visit details)
View and update Client notes
Record visit details and visit notes
Client sign-on and sign off
Time sheet
Data Synchronisation to CCS
Client Care Solutions is a provider of application business process and integration solutions specialising in today’s aged and community care service environment. With over 30 years of experience, our technology gives our customers the power to leverage existing technology, enhance business agility and focus on core priorities.
Empowering Your Operations with Advanced Features
Elevate your services with our robust client details management, specialized claiming, online claiming capabilities, and efficient message and diary management.
Client Invoice management
Payroll Integration
Work Availabilities & Schedules
Skills / Training / Specialties / Certificates
Remote Access & SMS Capabilities
Scheduled and one-off visits
Staff and Client Rosters
Timesheet Verification
‘Find Staff’ routines for a visit
Service Schedules & Forecasting
Specialized Claiming – VHC, HCP, NDIS, CHSP, TAC
On-Line Claiming – DVA 2023
Message and Diary management
Experience the power of advanced management software designed to streamline operations, enhance staff management, and optimize financial workflows.
Manage your complete Labour hire business using our client care management software the complete solutions for maintaining Staff, Sc . . .
Detailed client information with communication, diaries, notes, and multiple addresses . . . .
Payroll - pass roster visit details to MYOB, Attache or Pay Global General ledger- pass debtor invoice information to MYOB and . . .
Weekly rosters opened directly from the schedule. Enter ad hoc visit requests directly to the weekly rosters. . . .
Each debtor can be responsible for any number of clients. Invoice charge lines can either be roster visits or manually input items. Adaptable invoice templates . . .
Detailed staff information with communication, diaries, notes, and multiple addresses, Tracking of certificates, licenses and training . . .
Issue a message to anybody within the system, and share messages and diary logs with all users. Simple and user-frien . . .
Leverage over 30 years of experience with our fully customizable platform. Manage government-funded packages efficiently, deliver timely services, and gain insights through full client analysis.
Words of praise by our valuable customers
We Care Staff Solutions has been using Client Care Software since our inception over 12 years ago and been part of our growth.
From starting as a nursing agency, Client Care software was there for managing our Agency clients and staff database and we relied heavily on the rostering, allocations and payroll/invoicing products.
As we grew, we adopted more Client Care products and now use the software to manage our direct clients- from NDIS, SIL clients, Workcover, TAC and more recently DVA clients. The ability to integrate with government providers and portals makes the claiming process much simpler and efficient, saving time and resources.
Over those 12 years, we have seen their commitment to customer focused solutions such as support both during and after hours (for an industry such as our this is critical), customised reporting and development. The guys behind the Software are open to feedback and seek improvement to suit us, one of their many clients
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Endeavor bachelor but add eat pleasure doubtful sociable. Age forming covered you entered the examine. Blessing scarcely confined her contempt wondered shy. Dashwoods contented sportsmen…
Endeavor bachelor but add eat pleasure doubtful sociable. Age forming covered you entered the examine. Blessing scarcely confined her contempt wondered shy. Dashwoods contented sportsmen…
Endeavor bachelor but add eat pleasure doubtful sociable. Age forming covered you entered the examine. Blessing scarcely confined her contempt wondered shy. Dashwoods contented sportsmen…
Empowering Your Operations with Client Care Solutions
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